Royaye Danesh Center Of Foreign Languages

Royaye Danesh Center Of Foreign Languages

Royaye Danesh Foreign Languages ​​Center started its official and professional activity in 2005 under the name of “Assessment and Knowledge” and with 12 independent branches in West Azerbaijan province. Obtaining the first representation of Ankara University to hold the Tomer exam online in Iran from 2008 to 2015, and the first official and exclusive representation of the Foreign Languages Center of Urmia University in the province from 1394 to 1399 is one of the most obvious successes of Royaye Danesh Foreign Languages Center during its 16 years of continuous and arduous work. .

Royaye Danesh Center Of Foreign Languages, with the help of experienced staff and university professors, with high academic degrees, has offered English, French, German, Istanbul Turkish languages, as well as preparation courses for the IELTS, TOEFL, TÖMER, YDS, UUET, MSRT and GRE exams and has also conducted English language tests for all Turkish universities (As Proficiency).

To receive a free consultation, contact the experts of Royaye Danesh Foreign Language Center through the Contact Us section.

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